I had gone out the day before to scout out the location and check the lighting for the time of day we had scheduled for the shoot. The preparation was great but today didn't quite go as planned. We got a bit of a late start because the little guy wasn't feeling one hundred percent so he had slept a bit later than normal. Arriving at the location nearly an hour late the light had already vacated the area where I did test shots the day before. Fortunately I chose a location with lots of great spots to choose from so a quick drive but us back in the light.
The sun was just beginning to set and the light was gorgeous. Although there was a bit of chill in the air, there was no wind and the sun made it feel warmer than it probably was at the time. With the poor little fellow feeling a bit under the weather getting him to smile was a challenge and he tired out really quick. The neat thing about kids is when they're done, they're done and they let you know really quick that it's time to quit.
Luckily we were able to get a bunch of wonderful shots before the light left us for good and this was one of my favourites from the session.

Keep shooting.