"Project 365" is certainly not a unique idea. If you look on Flickr there are probably hundreds or thousands of people doing the same thing - all the time. The idea struck me today because I really had not been shooting a lot lately and I needed some kind of project to get back in the flow. It's not that I didn't want to shoot it is just with the holidays and other demands it had been difficult to get out there and make pictures. Project 365 is the antidote!
There are an absolute plethora of different ideas for a shot-a-day type projects. Some people choose to do a self-portrait, while others may shoot a specific location in their area for an entire year. Myself, I am just committing to making one picture a day for an entire year. I don't expect every picture to be a work of art and some may even be from my laptop or cell phone. It is really just about making pictures and that's it.
So, one down, three hundred and sixty-four to go.

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