Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Quest for Creativity...

Creativity. Can it cultivated? Sure. Why not? Do you want to read a really, really long article all about creativity? You can read it on Wikipedia here. If not, you can just read on and I will tell you a bit about how I'm trying to encourage a bit more inventiveness in my own photography.

Several months ago I began a "creative" self-project. The idea was simple. Pack the camera more often and take pictures of anything and everything to spark more imagination. And at the same time and probably more important - think less. A few posts back I revealed that I have a tendency to "over think" pictures. Too much technical, not enough natural.

_MG_0902My creative project has produced a number of "keeper" shots (see photo at right). But more than just making pretty pictures the project has encouraged me to vary my thinking and to try new things - experiment a bit more.

To stimulate the creative juices even more I picked up a copy of A Whack on the Side of the Head. I guess it's one of the creativity classics written over 25 years ago. I like what I have read so far (I'm not quite done yet. I am a super-slow reader and easily...hey, check that out... distracted). I imagine the book is something that can be read again and again when you need help to kick start some fresh ideas.

The project is ongoing and continues to produce some interesting shots. Below is one from the very beginning of the project back in the Summer.


The frame was something put up by the City to highlight the various landscapes and scenes around the park. I picked a nice composition through the frame, backed up enough to show the entire frame and the surrounding scene, tossed in a little fill flash and voila!

And here is another taken just a few weeks ago.


The creative project is encouraging new ideas, experimentation and more playfulness. I intend to keep it running for a long, long time.

I guess the only question you need to ask yourself to foster more artistry and imagination in your own images is "I wonder what it would look like if I tried this???".

Have fun!

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